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Vibrant provides core solutions for our customers. We can fit and integrate into any stage of the Project Life Cycle.
Our Services Include:
  • IT Project Management

  • Business Process Development

  • I.T. Technical Services

  • Outsourced Administration 




Outsourcing involves hiring a consultant, independent contractor, or freelancer to do a specific task or tasks for an organization for which the organization may lack the time, required resources or expertise.

When outsourcing, the organization needs to:

  • Decide on projects or tasks to outsource

  • Choose whom to outsource these tasks to

  • Effectively manage the project

  • Agree on payment terms

  • Manage delivery of desired results


Why Outsource?

Like any business decision, risk can be managed. By intelligently choosing a provider that matches your intended skill requirements can far outweigh the risks.

Decision-making process - carefully detail and outline your project requirements and ensure that you maintain the requirements within budget - the benefits can far outweigh any associated risks of outsourcing.

Smart companies are making the shift from in-house to outsourcing because of the many benefits outsourcing provide:

  • Gives your company a competitive edge without having to hire on a long-term basis.

  • Lower costs due to economies of scale

  • Ability to focus on core functions

  • Greater flexibility

  • Higher quality service

  • Less dependency upon internal resources

  • Control of budget

  • Faster setup of the service

  • Lower ongoing investment required in internal infrastructure

  • Greater ability to control delivery dates

  • Compensates for lack of internal expertise

  • Increases flexibility to meet changing business conditions

  • Improve risk management

  • Builds innovative capability

  • Increase commitment and energy in non-core areas

  • Better cash flow management

  • Gain market access and business opportunities via the supplier’s network



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